Set up

Update title

Update file

Create a table of contents (optional)

  1. Set up
    1. Update title
    2. Update file
    3. Create a table of contents (optional)
    4. Upload using Github
  2. Examples
    1. How to enter text
    2. How to render equations
    3. How to insert Julia code (with outputs!)
    4. How to insert an image file
    5. How to insert a clicklable thumbnail to a Youtube video
    6. How to raw HTML

Upload using Github


How to enter text

The universe of econometrics is constantly expanding. Econometric methods and practice have advanced greatly as a result, but the modern menu of econometric methods can seem confusing, even to an experienced number cruncher. Luckily, not everything on the menu is equally valuable or important. Some of the more exotic items are needlessly complex and may even be harmful. On the plus side, the core methods of applied econometrics remain largely unchanged, while the interpretation of basic tools has become more nuanced and sophisticated.

Joshua D. Angrist.

How to render equations

How to insert Julia code (with outputs!)

How to insert an image file

How to insert a clicklable thumbnail to a Youtube video

How to raw HTML